Thursday 31 March 2022

East Midlands Railway 180110 (26.03.2022)

As the buffet coach for this unit in 54910 has severe corrosion that is considered beyond repair, expect this to stay as a four car unit for the foreseeable future. 180110 leaves Nottingham on the 10:12 service to London St Pancras.

Wednesday 30 March 2022

East Midlands Railway 180113/222011 (26.03.2022)

Side-by-side DMU's with a difference!

180113, a five car class 180 'Adelante' DMU built by Alstom and part of the Alstom Coradia fleet of trains that also includes the class 175, is seen at Nottingham on platform 7 having just brought in a service from London St Pancras whilst 222011, a five car class 222 'Meridian' DMU built by Bombardier and part of the 'Voyager' family that also includes the class 220 and class 221, makes preparations on platform 6 for the 16:12 service to London St Pancras. Now all of the HST stock is no longer present on the Midland Mainline, the class 222's and class 180's are now working together on the Midland Mainline, with two 180's out of the four in the fleet on some dedicated diagrams, mainly on weekdays and Saturdays, with a healthy amount of 222's on most of the other services.

Cross Country 220030 (26.03.2022)

Not your usual sight to see at Nottingham, this Voyager was helping out on services to and from Birmingham New Street presumably for additional capacity before coming off later on in the evening to be swapped for a Turbostar in the form of 170103. 220030 prepares to leave Nottingham on the 11:41 service to Birmingham New Street. If only these were regulars alongside the 170's here at Nottingham during the day! Oh well! Maybe one day!

Cross Country 220029 (26.10.2022)

Due to engineering works between Worcestershire Parkway and Gloucester, all Cross Country services were either terminating at Birmingham New Street for services to Cardiff Central with bus replacements between Birmingham New Street and Gloucester or Worcestershire Parkway for services to the South West with bus replacements between Worcestershire Parkway and Gloucester with some services starting at Bristol Temple Meads instead. 220029 is seen leaving Nottingham on the 17:07 service to Birmingham New Street. In the end, this took over from 170638 and 170117 in the afternoon but got swapped later on in the evening for 170101 and 170115.

Monday 28 March 2022

Stagecoach East Midlands 27787 (28.03.2022)

Though an ADL Enviro 200 made its way onto the Pronto route after working some other Mansfield routes, I had to stick with the three TransBus Enviro 300's on the same route due to the Stagecoach Local liveried bus coming on way too late for me to snap it. 27787 arrives at Victoria Bus Station with a Pronto from Mansfield (service presumably cancelled in between Chesterfield and Mansfield due to this bus and one of the branded MMC's possibly changing slots) before then later heading back out on a service to Mansfield.

Stagecoach East Midlands 27182 (28.03.2022)

One of the same TransBus examples as the other one, 27182, features here, it seen arriving at Victoria Bus Station on a Pronto from Mansfield.

Stagecoach East Midlands 27184 (28.03.2022)

Three TransBus Enviro 300's caught my eye when they made their way onto the Pronto route after working for other routes in Mansfield, so I kept an eye on bustimes in order to catch up with them. 27184, a former Pronto and Mansfield Miller example, is seen arriving at Victoria Bus Station on a Pronto from Mansfield before later heading back out on a service to Chesterfield.

Stagecoach East Midlands 18340 (28.03.2022)

The latest repaint to emerge at Stagecoach as far as their Mansfield fleet are concerned is this old Trident, which is now in the new local livery, as illustrated here. 18340 is seen arriving at Victoria Bus Station with a Pronto from Chesterfield before then later heading back out on a service to Mansfield.
Stagecoach East Midlands 11278 (28.03.2022) 

After seeing use on the 11, 12, 23A and 522, the Pronto route then came for Mansfield's sole Beachball MMV, as illustrated here. 11278 arrives at Victoria Bus Station on a service from Mansfield before later heading back out on a service to Chesterfield

Nottingham City Transport 990 (28.03.2022)

Ones to get whilst you can, the remaining 10/11 plate OmniDekkas don't have long left in service as new bio-gas buses are due this Spring, so expect less of these in the overall fleet!

990 heads on Loughborough Road with a green 10 service to City Loop.

Nottingham City Transport 990 (23.03.2022)

With most of the bio-gas spares covering Purples and Browns at the moment, expect to see some of the diesel powered spares covering everything else for the time being!

990, a new style spare OmniDekka, also the Thank You Key Workers Bus, is seen on Upper Parliament Street having just set off on a green 10 service to Ruddington.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Nottingham City Transport 620 (23.03.3022)

One of the more slower routes towards Ruddington is served by NCT's green 10 route due to Rugby Road and Greythorn Drive being the roads used compared to the Kinchbus 9 route towards Loughborough which continues on Loughborough Road altogether. 620 is seen on Loughborough Road leaving ASDA behind with a 10 to Ruddington, the right turn onto Rugby Road being taken after this point.

Nottingham City Transport 620 (23.03.2022)

A couple of spares were in use on the green 10 route today, both of which were well worthy of documenting! 620 waits on Market Street (if only there was a Morrisons supermarket on there!) and then turns into Angel Row with a 10 to Ruddington.

Nottingham City Transport 603 (23.03.2022)

The navy 48 route looked to be primarily in the hands of the E400's today, so the spares were of a mainly more mundane affair on this occasion. 603 with its Emmanuel House advertising did provide for something other than the new style spare livery though, it seen on Beastmarket Hill ready to form the next service to Clifton, the bottom two shots being flipped as saved selfies after an attempt to do something different for a change!

Nottingham City Transport 433 (23.02.2022)

With the 50 now no longer bio-gas operated having gone from grey to red, the bio-gas spares can and do end up on the bio-gas routes more regularly. 433 is seen on Queen Street with a red 44 service to Gedling.

Nottingham City Transport 904 (23.03.2022)

A second winner emerged on Reds when the pride OmniDekka made an appearance on 44's, as illustrated here. 904 is seen on Lower Parliament Street with a 44 to Gedling.

Nottingham City Transport 918 'Les Roome' (23.02.2022)

Spares are hard to come by on the red 43 route nowadays, more so the 10/11 plate and 61 plate OmniDekkas and today saw one of the 61 plates on the route vice one of the usual branded red E400 Scanias, as illustrated here. 918 waits on King Street ahead of forming the next 43 to Bakersfield before then taking the service away.

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Trent Barton 847 (22.03.2022)

Standard fare on Red Arrow nowadays when one of the coaches is unavailable, Derby's pair of ex-Rainbow One Versas regularly fill in alongside the Volvo B7RLE's. Exemplifying this is 847, which is seen passing the Royal Centre with a non-stop service to Derby.

Trent Barton 716 (22.03.2022)

Spare buses have been a common thing on the Red Arrow of late and today saw two of the three allocations on all day, this being one of them! 716, a Mango spare Volvo B7RLE Wright-Eclipse Urban, leaves Nottingham on a Red Arrow service to Derby.

Trent Barton 712 (22.03.2022)

Before the branded Plaxton Elite coach of 82 came on, this Mango spare Volvo was out on the Red Arrow before later on effectively replacing a Volvo for The Villager in the form of 711 later, so it was two routes that were the order of the day for this bus. 712 leaves Victoria Bus Station behind on its last Red Arrow service to Derby prior to replacement by the forementioned branded Plaxton Elite coach of 82.

Trent Barton 75 (22.03.2022)

The sole Scania Irizar left with the Red Arrow route as it is, this is actually a spare coach designated for use on the route mainly whenever one of the Elites is off the road, of which today was no exception, as illustrated here. 75 arrives at Victoria Bus Station to the furthest available bay with a service from Derby before then switching to the first bay to load up before then heading back out on a service to Derby.