Monday 31 December 2018

Nottingham City Transport 904 (31.12.2018)

A slight change to NCT's operations saw a whole host of non-bio-gas buses on bio-gas operated routes, with Scania/Optare OmniDekka types and one or two ADL Enviro 400 types involved, at which for today, 958 was on sky blue 45, 908 was on lilac 25, 977 was on red 44, 905 and 990 were on green 10, 941 and 603 were on Bridgford Bus 6 and as if that wasn't enough, 604, 959, 976 and 978 and this bus were on orange 36. I wonder if NCT were keeping me on their toes today with these allocations... well I wasn't expecting nothing like what actually happened today believe it or not! Surprise, surprise I guess! 904 unusually turns right onto Angel Row with a 36 to Chilwell.

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