Thursday 10 September 2020

Nottingham City Transport 305 (10.09.2020)

A strange afternoon occurred in which 333, a green 11 branded Optare Solo SR, was on blue 39 late on after replacing 398, the full length silver spare ADL Enviro 200, while 305, a Bridgford bus branded ADL Enviro 200 MMC, was on green 11 after replacing 336, a pink 30/31 branded Optare Solo SR, which in turn moved to yellow 70/71 to replace a possible green spare Optare Solo SR in the form of 352. While 375, a green spare ADL Enviro 200, did do a couple of green 11 services in between its runs on purple 87/88 and brown 15/16 for whatever reason, it was this that my eyes were onto and it resulted in a massive tick in the book too! 305 is seen on Radcliffe Road away from its usual haunts with a green 11 service to City Loop.

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