Tuesday 30 March 2021

Nottingham City Transport 384 (30.03.2021)

The random bus allocator was certainly working well today, with a Bridgford Bus MMC on the morning extra purple 88 workings, a grey 53/54 Solo SR on the blue 40/41/42, a pink 30/31 Solo SR on the morning extra grey 53B and 54B workings followed on by the afternoon extra navy 3 working and then the afternoon and evening grey 53 workings, another pink 30/31 Solo SR on the Bridgford Bus 9 and this out on the same route! 384, a brown 15/16 branded Enviro 200, still in the old livery, is seen looking out of place in Central Avenue, West Bridgford with a 9 to Wilford Hill.

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