Saturday 2 October 2021

Nottingham City Transport 309 (02.10.2021)

A somewhat strange bus swap occurred on Bridgford's today as, while the spare Solo SR of 356 and the spare Enviro 200 of 375 were out all day, the short wheelbase MMC spare came out onto the 7, also usually known for seeing a spare on Saturday when required, replacing a Bridgford Bus branded variation in the form of 308. Normally known for being on Bridgford's all day is 309 but today was different as NCT probably got the memo of variety on Bridgford's! I can probably thank them for sticking with it then to make up for the wet weather, of which it best descrives what happens here as 309 is seen at Victoria Centre before departing with a 7 to Gamston, the windscreen wipers as seen doing the probable hokey-cokey in some shape or form!

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