Friday 29 April 2022

Nottingham City Transport 347 (29.04.2022)

A worthy documentation from today was that of a navy 3 branded Solo SR on the extra 5 and that whilst two ex-Navy 3 spare variants in the form of 344 and 345 were out on the navy 3 route, neither of which I fussed about too much due to how mundane the workings were there.... well that compared to this, which was far from mundane considering the fact that it's mainly been a pink 30/31 branded Solo SR or a spare one most of the time! 347, a navy 3 branded Solo SR, is one for the count this time though, it seen on Melton Road with the extra 5 to Gamston. In the end, this bus would have done the duplicate pink workings for the 30 and 28 prior to this.

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