Thursday, 28 November 2024

Nottinghamshire County Council 0071 (28.11.2024)

As both of my phones that I had on me had pretty much run out of battery, I was up against it in terms of snapping this 71 plate on the 33 and I just about managed to do just that and how the luck was needed as this bus replaced its sister in 0072 (LG71 DJF) late on today, presumably due to a fault with the original bus, hence the shot of this other one. 0071 (LG71 DJJ) is seen on Carrington Street with a 33 to Sutton Cum Granby.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0072 (28.11.2024)

Pictured here on Friar Lane is BYD E200 EV 0072 (LG71 DJF) as it arrives in with a service from Radcliffe.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0049 'The Eco Traveler' (28.11.2024)

Pictured here on Friar Lane is BYD E200 EV 0049 (LJ18 FGX) as it departs from the bus stop with a late running 33 to Radcliffe.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0099 (28.11.2024)

Pictured here on Bridgford Road is Mellor Strata 0099 (LO19 YYD) in the Nottsbus Connect livery as it stops for a driver change whilst out on a 33 towards Nottingham.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0051 (28.11.2024)

I can only assume that the price of diesel means it's cheaper to use more diesels at the moment with NCC, with the electric buses being confined to the 33 and any chosen diesel minibuses being confined to the 510/511, as can be illustrated here with Cityline Merc 0051 (RX71 TNK), branded for the Nottsbus on Demand but seen at Toton Lane with a 510 to Beeston.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0039 (28.11.2024)

Although this 510/511 wasn't much to look at, it did make for a change to the service considering that it's often operated with the Mellor Mercs as it most certainly was four days previously. Pictured here though is 0039 (SJ67 SVU), minus its Fiat badge, as it waits at the exit of Toton Lane Park and Ride having made an unusual U turn for an unknown reason whilst on a 510 to Stapleford.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0094 (28.11.2024)

Whilst heading towards Nottingham Station in the car, two Nottsbus Connect liveried Fiats caught my eye, one of which was unfortunately in the West Bridgford base on London Road before having left again for more work whilst the other turned up on Melton Road at just the right time for a snap. 0094 (SG68 XYX) is seen on Melton Road out of service to take up a school run.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Nottinghamshire County Council 0049 (27.11.2024)

LJ18 FGZ, 510/511 branded, seen turning into Canal Street with a 33 from Radcliffe.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0099 (27.11.2024)

LO19 YYD seen leaving Nottingham bound for Radcliffe on the 33.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0047 (27.11.2024)

Since the axing of the 853 with the Nottsbus on Demand Z7 effectively replacing it, weekday appearances from Fiats in West Bridgford can be quite hard to come across but one was out on the 33 today, as illustrated here. 0047 (SJ67 SWN) is seen in West Bridgford with a 33 to Radcliffe.

Nottinghamshire County Council YX62 FOM (27.11.2024)

Having pondered whether to go to Beeston or Phoenix Park today, I chose Phoenix Park to see what was on the 528 and a required Fiat turned up on it, as illustrated here. YX62 FOM is seen in Phoenix Park with a 528 to Bestwood.


Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Nottingham City Transport 628/633 (25.11.2024)

As luck would have it, two diesel E400's ended up on the 6 today, the branded bio-gas Scania of 404 having been on some afternoon school work on the A2 being one such reason for it and that combined that with another one in the form of 403 being out of action too not helping matters. 628 is seen filling in for one of the two branded bio-gas Scanias on the 6 as it works a service towards Gamston whilst 633 fills in for the other of the two branded bio-gas Scanias on the same route as it works a service towards the City.

Nottingham City Transport 601 (25.11.2024)

As luck would have it, one of the diesel E400's was also out on the 10 today albeit one of the standard silver spares, as illustrated here. 601 is seen on Lower Parliament Street with a 10X to Rushcliffe Country Park. Nice to see the full 10X and 10C services reinstated following the completion of the roadworks on the A60.

Nottingham City Transport 500 (25.11.2024)

Now that the brown line 15/16/17 has a full compliment of 19 and 22 plate bio-gas Scanias, the two mirrorless technology spares can more often be found away from just the brown line and on other routes. 500, the celebrity variant, exemplifies this, it seen on Lower Parliament Street with a 10 to Ruddington. 

Nottingham City Transport 500 (25.11.2024)

Central Connect 216 (25.11.2024)

Seen on Carrington Street with a 92 from Newark Northgate.

Monday, 25 November 2024

Nottinghamshire County Council 0072 (LG71 DJF) (25.11.2024)

Nottinghamshire County Council 0072 (LG71 DJF) (25.11.2024)

Nottinghamshire County Council 0072 (25.11.2024)

Now with an almost plain rear, 0072 (LG71 DJF) is seen on Friar Lane ready to do the next 33 to Radcliffe.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0049 'The Eco Traveler' (25.11.2024)

The 510/511 branded E200 EV's don't seem to have stuck to their own network lately and only acting as backups for the 33 and 0049 (LJ18 FGZ) exemplifies this as it arrives into Friar Lane with a 33 from Radcliffe.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0051 (RX71 TNK) (25.11.2024)

Nottinghamshire County Council 0051 (25.11.2024)

The 33 has seen literally any kind of Merc on the minibus board, whether it be a Mellor example or a Cityline example and today saw one of the Cityline examples take charge, as illustrated here. 0051 (RX71 TNK) is seen on Maid Marian Way with a 33 to Radcliffe.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0051 (RX71 TNK) (25.11.2024)

Nottinghamshire County Council 0099 (25.11.2024)

Often found on the 33 as is the case on a lot of occasions but today saw the Nottsbus Connect liveried Merc out on the 510/511, as illustrated here. 0099 (LO19 YYD) is seen in Attenborough with a 510 to Beeston.