Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Nottingham City Transport 925 (18.12.2024)

Alongside 640 today was one of the pair of OmniDekka spares, as illustrated here. 925 is seen on Carrington Street with a 9 to Wilford Hill.

Nottingham City Transport 630 (18.12.2024)

Nottingham City Transport 640 (18.12.2024)

What doesn't normally happen on Bridgford Bus these days is the appearance of two deckers on the route covering for MMC's but that was to be the case today and so efforts were made to catch up with them. 640, a new style spare E400, is seen on Upper Parliament Street with a 9 to Wilford Hill.

Nottingham City Transport 601 (18.12.2024)

Seen turning into Upper Parliament Street with the blind set for the next 69 to Bulwell.

Nottingham City Transport 601 (18.12.2024)

After being replaced on the 68/69 by the branded bio-gas Scania of 512, this was then later sent out onto the 10 to act as a duplicate due to late running from the branded bio-gas Scania of 408. 601 is pictured on Carrington Street with a 10 to Ruddington.

Nottingham City Transport 614 (18.12.2024)

Nottingham City Transport 614 (18.12.2024)

Nottingham City Transport 614 (18.12.2024)

With the branded bio-gas Scania of 407 on of the afternoon school A2's, two spares were out on the 10, baring in mind 405 still being off the road after accident damage. 614 is seen turning into Market Street with a 10X to Ruddington.

Nottingham City Transport 491 (18.12.2024)

Nottingham City Transport 491 (18.12.2024)

The ex-navy repaint into spare was out on the 10 today, as illustrated here. 491 is seen on London Road with a 10 to Ruddington.

Nottingham City Transport 639 (18.12.2024)

Thinking that this was a South Notts branded E400, I only noticed that it was a navy 48 branded E400, hence the rear only snap. 639 heads towards Trent Bridge with the first of the school extra 1's to Nottingham.

Nottingham City Transport 660 (18.12.2024)

Seen on dead run to PSG after having done its extra work on the 48 and 1B.
Nottingham City Transport 604 (18.12.2024)

Seen on the approach to The Meadows with a 48 to Clifton.

Nottingham City Transport 476 (18.12.2024)

The 48 got a temporary rare taste of bio-gas power today after the diesel E400 spare of 604 had issues and I was able to snap the bio-gas spare before it was too late, more especially as this was later replaced by the One City spare E400 of 660. 476 is seen not far from Nottingham Station with a 48 from Clifton.
Nottingham City Transport 476 (18.12.2024)

The 18 plate and 19 plate bio-gas spares don't just tend to stick to the 18 plate and 19 plate routes as with NCT, they can end up on any bio-gas route just like the 17 plate spares. 476 is seen on Upper Parliament Street with a 6 to Gamston.

Nottingham City Transport 429 (18.12.2024)

Nottingham City Transport 429 (18.12.2024)

With the 6 having started out with two spares before both came off, snaps of them were a must and today saw me achieve just that with plenty of time left to spare. 429 is seen on Upper Parliament Street with a 6 to Gamston.

Nottingham City Transport 429 (18.12.2024)

An interesting day for this bio-gas spare saw it cover three routes today, firstly on the 6 and then the extra 57X before spending the remainder of its time out on the 87/88. 429 is seen on the A60 at Forest Recreation Ground with an 88 to Top Valley.

Nottingham City Transport 479 (18.12.2024)

On a route that begins with a P... except it's with a pink branded bio-gas Scania instead!

479 arrives at Upper Parliament Street with a purple 89 from Rise Park.

Nottingham City Transport 624 'Robert Howard' (18.12.2024)

A couple of unusual visitors to the 89 came about today and, remarkably, both spent the whole day out on the route without being swapped despite the usual branded bio-gas Scania 470 being on the 87 for the morning peak plus one of its branded counterparts in the form of 475 ending up on the A2 as one of the buses ferrying the schoolkids to their lessons. 624 is unusually seen about to turn into Upper Parliament Street with an 89 from Rise Park.

Nottingham City Transport 621 (18.12.2024)

With university off for the winter break, the Uni 4 and even the Uni 34 buses can and do end up elsewhere, as exemplified here. 621 is seen on Lower Parliament Street with a 44 from Gedling. In the end, this bus had been out on here but it was replaced at lunchtime by the usual branded bio-gas Scania of 415, hence the move to some school A2 work for the afternoon for this bus.

Nottingham City Transport 661 (18.12.2024)

Whilst a pink branded bio-gas Scania was out on the 89, one spare was out on the 28 today, which actually soon turned to two spares when the 19 plate bio-gas spare of 477, which had been out on Limes for the morning peak, signed onto the route replacing the pink branded variant of 486. The most important spare out on the 28 though was this 65 plate E400, as illustrated here. 661 is pictured on Upper Parliament Street with a 28 to Bilborough.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Nottingham City Transport 613 'Sheku Kanneh Maison' (10.12.2024)

Due to the failure of the Bridgford Bus MMC of 302, one of the E400's was dispatched onto the new look 7 as a result, thus making for a rare appearance for a decker in Edwalton Fields, which is where the E400, 612 to be exact, is pictured as it gets ready to do the next 7 to Nottingham.

Nottingham City Transport 636 (10.12.2024)

Due to a shortage of vehicles at Trent Bridge, Parliament Street was summoned to help out on the 9 with this E400 being used on here prior to being swapped for the Bridgford Bus MMC of 303 after it finished its work on the 53B, 34 and 54B extras. 636 is seen on Bridgford Road with a 9 to Wilford Hill.

Nottingham City Transport 660 (10.12.2024)

Nottingham City Transport 660 (10.12.2024)

The main spare out on the 6 today was the celebrity 65 plate E400, as illustrated here. 660 arrives at Trevor Road Top with a 6 to City Loop.

Nottingham City Transport 433 (10.12.2024)

Due to the failure of 402 late on today, one of the 18 plate bio-gas spares was summoned to help out on the 6, as illustrated here. 433 is seen turning into Trevor Road with a 6 to City Loop.

Nottingham City Transport 431 (11.12.2024)

The 10 has seen a lot of spares on it lately, not helped by one of their buses having been involved in an accident with a tram recently, and, while the accident damaged tram managed to return to service, it's been an opposite story for the bus, hence at least one spare being used daily on the 10 although today saw two bio-gas spares on it, with both being in the usual revised spare livery. 431 is pictured outside Victoria Centre ready to do the next 10 to Ruddington.

Nottingham City Transport 476 (11.12.2024)

Interesting to see two of the ex-purples now silver with three of the ex-oranges now purple and providing for interesting interior varieties on the network. The first change on the purple line came in the firm of a frequency decrease, resulting in two of their 19 plates going spare. 476 is seen at Victoria Embankment with a 10 to Ruddington.

Nottingham City Transport 402 (10.12.2024)
Seen rounding the bend on Gordon Road with a 6 to Gamston.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0039 (SJ67 SVU) (07.12.2024)