Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Trent Barton 144 (03.02.2025)

Trailing MMC...

144 is seen turning into Carrington Street with The Cotgrave to Cotgrave with 102 photobombing whilst on The Keyworth.

Trent Barton 145 (03.02.2025)

Not a bad choice for The Cotgrave at first light since this was eventually replaced by the branded MMC of 144, also on a 69 plate, so a fine example of Trent Barton getting it right with this MMC for once despite its non-dedication to The Cotgrave! 145 is seen on Beastmarket Hill with The Cotgrave to Cotgrave, which was changed to 144 at Broadmarsh Bus Station.

Trent Barton 145 (03.02.2025)

Now considered a mundane spare allocation for this route since the change to mostly MMC's as the branded vehicles of choice, so expect Mango MMC's to be more common on here as and when required. 145 is seen arriving into Nottingham with a Keyworth from Keyworth, which was actually started at Victoria Embankment due to the late start of the service.

Trent Barton 740 (03.02.2025)

Amongst the snaps of the branded vehicles on The Keyworth, I somehow managed to snap up two spares on it too, including this newly repainted ex-Villager Eclipse, which had been out on the Skylink Express all day otherwise. 740 is seen heading on Melton Road with The Keyworth to Keyworth.

Trent Barton 730 (03.02.2025)

A nice temporary little addition to the new timetable on The Keyworth is this 09 plate Eclipse in the old livery for use as a backup spare when needed as was the case today. 730 is seen on Canal Street with The Keyworth to Keyworth.

Trent Barton 726 (03.02.2025)

The fifth bus to join the new look Keyworth is, somehow, this ex-H1 Eclipse as a substitute for the other two ex-Mickleovers, who have now actually been kept in Derby for use on The Mickleover itself to cater for an increased frequency, thus in the process making for an interesting line up to The Keyworth with this one odd bus out! 726 heads on Melton Road with The Keyworth to Keyworth.

Trent Barton 104 (03.02.2025)

Melton Road MMC...

104 crosses the Boundary Road and Valley Road crossroads on Melton Road with The Keyworth to Nottingham.

Trent Barton 103 (03.02.2025)

Yet another facelift for The Keyworth and perhaps a better facelift than the previous one with this new look livery similar to that of the H1 and Mickleover except in Keyworth colours instead. 103 is seen on Mount Street whilst out on The Keyworth.

Trent Barton 102 (03.02.2025)

A perhaps tricky MMC for me to have gotten today as this was off the road after being replaced by the spare Keyworth of 730 on one slot before moving to replace the Mango MMC of 145, which also saw use on The Cotgrave before being replaced by the branded MMC of 144 and the Skylink Nottingham after eventually replacing the branded MMC of 120 and all that after it replaced the branded ex-H1 Volvo of 726 on here after it suffered ticket machine issues but even so the Mango was then replaced by this one that I required! 102 is seen turning into Carringtin Street with The Keyworth to Keyworth.

Trent Barton 101 (03.02.2025)

The latest buses to hit the road with Trent are four ex-Mickleover MMC's for use on The Keyworth replacing the ex-Mickeover Eclipses and with a new look to boot. 101 is seen arriving in Keyworth with a service from Nottingham.