Thursday 30 November 2017

Nottingham City Transport 334 (30.11.2017)

Well then, a day of which saw a lot of spare buses on Bridgford Bus was also a day where I also found this green 11 bus on the wrong side of the green and not the right side of it! I suppose an odd working involving a different branded bus off route was possible. After all, although it's easy to find just spare buses when there are a load of them out, maybe today's find involving this green 11 Optare Solo SR off route was easy then! In all honesty, it's a chance find really. After all, I wasn't expecting it to turn up! 334 unusually puts an appearance in on the 9 in place of a 12 plate branded Bridgford Bus Optare Solo SR, seen here on Carrington Street outside Nottingham Station with a service to Wilford Hill. I wonder when the Bridgford Bus Optare Solo SR buses will get repainted into the new style green line livery? After all, the green 11 buses are all in the new style green line livery now.

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