Monday 27 November 2017

Nottingham City Transport 354 'Helen Richardson-Walsh' (27.11.2017)

Well then, the green spare Scania OmniTown of 203 was to be my chariot home today and I did see it at 13:00 after voluntary work at Oxfam. An hour later, this branded Optare Solo SR turned up, so obviously the green Scania OmniTown was swapped as a result, so I said no to this bus and see what Centrebus had to offer, which actually didn't disappoint when one of their Wright Commanders turned up! Here though, a different story because of this branded bus, hence my decision to put the thumbs down on it! ðŸ‘Ž 354 is seen here arriving at Angel Row with a 9 to Wilford Hill. A later than usual appearance for this bus in the end. I thought the Scania OmniTown was even going to stay out all day but I was wrong, so I guess that means a big red cross here! 

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