Friday, 7 March 2025

Cross Country 170101 (07.03.2025)

A refurbishment program recently started on Cross Country's existing fleet of trains with one of the 170 Turbostars used on the services to the likes of Cardiff, Birmingham, Leicester and Stansted the first to be done in the new look. 170101 is seen arriving at Nottingham with a service from Cardiff Central before later being given the all clear to go into the sidings to rest up prior to its next working to Birmingham New Street.

Nottingham City Transport 500 (07.03.2025)

What is the 100th bio-gas bus no longer has the 100th bio-gas livery in favor of this special celebration wrap although it's mostly eluded me on anything but extras it would seem, today being no exception. 500 is seen at the Cornerhouse ready to do a 4 to Clifton Campus.

Nottingham City Transport 602 (07.03.2025)

Even the diesel E400's are getting in on the act too on the brown network too whilst 500 is out elsewhere, as illustrated here with 602, which is seen about to turn into Parliament Street with a service from Bulwell.

Nottingham City Transport 492 (07.03.2025)

Now that 500 with its new wrap is currently operating on any route, mostly extras at present, the main boards of the 15/16/17 more especially are seeing various spares without the camera mirrors on them as and when needed. 492 is seen on Milton Street with a 17 to Bulwell.

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

CT4N 1026 (05.03.2025)

What was once a derelict building since being a furniture store up until 2009 or 2010 is now a Bombay Delicatessen and one of CT4N's ex-Brighton OmniDekkas in the form of 1026 in plain silver is seen outside it on Canal Street out of service having earlier worked a 6 to the Nottingham High School from Mansfield.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0071 (05.03.2025)

Despite not having any branding for the 33, the two 71 plate E200 EV's are effectively dedicated for the service since their acquisition following the takeover of CT4N in the running of the service. 0071 (LG71 DJJ) is seen arriving at Gamston Morrisons with a 33 to Nottingham.

Notttinghamshire County Council 0071 (LG71 DJJ) (06.01.2025)

Nottinghamshire County Council 0049 'The Eco Traveler' (05.03.2025)

Now that the 510/511 is CT4N operated, the pair of 18 plate E200 EV's are now backups for the 33 when needed as was the case today for this one, as illustrated here. 0049 (LJ18 FGZ) is seen in Cotgrave with a 33 to Radcliffe, it, along with every single vehicle on every single service to Radcliffe and Sutton Cum Granby, diverted away from its usual route due to roadworks.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0049 (LJ18 FGZ) 'The Eco Traveler' (05.03.2025)

Nottinghamshire County Council 0055 (05.03.2025)

The interior of Nottsbus on Demand branded Mercedes-Benz Sprinter EVM Cityline 0055 (RX71 TNL), the minibus as seen on the 33.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0055 (RX71 TNL) (05.03.2025)

Nottinghamshire County Council 0055 (RX71 TNL) (05.03.2025)

Nottinghamshire County Council 0055 (05.03.2025)

Branded for the Nottsbus on Demand, 0055 (RX71 TNL) is seen in Gamston Morrisons whilst unusually out on the 33.

Nottinghamshire County Council 0099 (05.03.2025)

Not sure what went on here today other than that a strange flip with Nottsbus saw the usual Nottsbus on Demand branded Cityline Merc of 0055 (RX71 TNL) end up on the 33 with this Nottsbus Connect Mellor Merc out on the Nottsbus on Demand Z7! 0099 (LO19 YYD) is seen in Gamston Morrisons whilst unusually out on the Nottsbus on Demand Z7, it being my first snap of a Mellor Merc on this route from an actual location on it. Not bad considering the fact that this is usually worked by either one of the dedicated Cityline Mercs or a Fiat.