Wednesday 26 September 2018

Nottingham City Transport 238 (26.09.2018)

So then, a good day for choosing buses on Bridgford Bus with a blue 41/42 branded Optare Solo SR on the 8 followed by a green spare Scania OmniTown and two Y reg plate Old Optare Solos on the 9! For the final bus ride of the day, I waved goodbye to the green spare Scania OmniTown as, given I rode on a Y reg plate Old Optare Solo with 237 this morning on the 9, I thought I'd do this one as well. This bus wasn't far behind the green spare Scania OmniTown on the 8 while heading towards the City, so a case of a near bus choice with the two stacked up one behind another! 238 took priority for me though today and in this shot here, the bus is seen moving forward at Victoria Centre bus stop on Carrington Street from one to another in order to pick me up, the bus itself on a 9 to Wilford Hill.

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