Thursday 19 September 2019

Nottingham City Transport 342 (18.09.2019)

Having noticed this allocation on, I headed down to Musters Road to catch this working in action and of course, a ride was required not only to Nottingham Station but back as well! 342, a new style spare Optare Solo SR, is seen here arriving at South Road bus stop on Musters Road to pick me up while on a 9 to City Loop. As for the Bridgford Bus branded variant of 330, it was on blue 40 during the peak-time period. This spare did however spend the day on the 9. told me the next day that everything branded was out on Bridgford Bus for every single route. One thing for sure though is that I will use it to find out when the next spare on Bridgford Bus comes out and when it does, I will now know what to do... well as long as the timings are sufficient that is although at least can lead me to something like this on Bridgford Bus whenever a spare like this is in use! I wonder what the next spare to appear on this route will be? Well, we shall see what has to say each day, mostly Monday-Friday in this case! It should be said that a winning allocation could turn up quite easily, like this for instance, which I'll give as a winning allocation because of this new style spare livery the bus is in! I think I may have caught this on the 5 in this livery but this route, the 7 and the 8 I presume have been ticked off! I better search for the ADL Enviro 200 spares now as they seem to be the hardest bus types to find on this route! I guess it's time to keep searching for more of the nicer workings then!

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