Saturday 14 December 2019

DB Cargo UK 60054 (14.12.2019)

With the Lindsey Oil Refinery-Kingsbury Oil Sidings loaded tanks cancelled out due to a problem with the schedule along with the much later on reverse working with the empties due to a request by the train operator, it meant that I could only rely in theory on the Kingsbury Oil Sidings-Humber Oil Refinery empty blue tanks but as it turned out, they were not blue all around as a rather mixed consist turned up instead and there were actually no blue tanks were in this load at all despite the mixed consist but still a rarity on a working like this, as here illustrates. 60054 is seen at Nottingham Station with a mixed load of empty EWS grey, VTG brown, VTG green tanks and also one grey VTG tank and the working being from Kingsbury Oil Sidings-Humber Oil Refinery and I'm fraid we can't escape those loud and pesky VTG brown tanks here as you can imagine, so too bad there I guess!

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