Thursday 26 July 2018

Nottingham City Transport 518 (26.07.2018)

A debut to my blog here as this hasn't been seen before by me on the single-decks Bridgford Bus at all! I can only assume that this is either Trent Bridge based or on loan to Trent Bridge from Parliament Street or Gotham! Well, an odd working here saw this green spare Scania OmniCity on Bridgford Bus 7 believe it or not, hence why the last bus ride of the day from Nottingham Station was with this bus right here! The video I did may have gone though! 😭 The photos didn't though! 😄 Well, here is a shot of this bus, as seen on Carrington Street as it arrives at Nottingham Station bus stop to pick me up while on a 7 to Gamston.

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