Monday 17 September 2018

Centrebus 778 (17.09.2018)

Well I might say that I would have gotten away with a good ride on a green spare bus on Bridgford Bus if it hadn't been for those branded Optare Solo SR's... well my eye was on the 5 again but the eye soon turned to this Centrebus Grantham Into Town Bus Service branded Optare Tempo. I must admit I didn't have my eye on it originally but then the tables were turned once and for all, the wheel spun in the direction of this bus and voila, a chariot home that perhaps was never going to happen! 778 is seen here leaving Mellors Road bus stop behind on Melton Road just after dropping me off while on a 19 to Melton. A bit of a blurry shot here unfortunately but oh well!

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