Monday 17 September 2018

Nottingham City Transport 238/342/353/355/356/360 (17.09.2018)

A bit of a story to tell here on this one with Bridgford Bus today and this applies to the single-decks only in this one. It was a day that didn't start well as three spare buses, Y reg plate Old Optare Solo 238 and Optare Solo SR's 342 and 353, were in use on their respective routes of the 5 and 9 and that in part with 360 ending up on pink 31 for the morning. It wasn't over yet though as branded bus 355 was the first to be available for service, hence elderly Solo 238 coming off the 5. Surely it must have been over, right? It actually wasn't as another branded bus in the form of 356 was available for service and that also along with 360 as well actually, which was also available for service having presumably been swapped for a bus of some description on pink 31. It was to be spare 342 that got replaced by branded bus 356 and spare 353 that got replaced by branded bus 360. It did end there at last though. One thing for sure though is that I myself never saw three branded buses coming onto Bridgford Bus but what drama there has been! I was even certain that one of the spares was going to stay out but I certainly got proved wrong today though! Today's drama can be found right here in these shots, as taken in ascending order from the first taken shot to the last one. Talk about drama, that was three bus swaps in a row if I can say it that way but there you go!

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