Saturday 21 July 2018

DB Cargo UK 60019 'Port of Grimsby and Immingham' (21.07.2018)

I will have to confess here that freight was at a premium today at Nottingham Station... well I was there for the afternoon really where the Kingsbury Oil Sidings-Humber Oil Refinery tanker train was cancelled due to a request by the customer (darn!), but it was this morning when I saw this DB Cargo UK class 60 on loaded tanks from Lindsey Oil Refinery-Kingsbury Oil Sidings, as illustrated here in this shot from the top of Nottingham Station's car park. 60019 is seen leaving Nottingham Station behind with the Lindsey-Kingsbury Tanks. Interestingly a greyish coloured VTG tank lies right behind the 60 here. Also seen here is a 158 for East Midlands Trains, I'm guessing for Mansfield Woodhouse here.

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